Recent Releases
The ACC’s New Statement on Diagnosis
The ACC's New Statement on DiagnosisAuthorsJournal of Vertebral Subluxation Research ~ September 2003 ~ Politics ~ 77 minutesPolitics - (Additional information to be added)
Holographic Theory and Its Relationship to Chiropractic
Holographic Theory and Its Relationship to Chiropractic
Healers As Leaders: An Interview with Dr. Deepak Chopra; Chiropractor of the Month: Dr. John Marino
Healers As Leaders: An Interview with Dr. Deepak Chopra; Chiropractor of the Month: Dr. John MarinoDr. Deepak Chopra and Dr. John Marino Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research ~ July 2003 ~ Philosophy ~ 51 minutesPhilosophy- (Additional information to be added)
Survey Shows 88.1% of D.C.’s Want to Retain Term Vertebral Subluxation; Associate Editor of JVSR, Chair of WCA Councel on Women’s Health: An Interview with Dr. Madeline Behrendt; The Month in Review
Survey Shows 88.1% of D.C.'s Want to Retain Term Vertebral Subluxation; Associate Editor of JVSR, Chair of WCA Councel on Women's Health: An Interview with Dr. Madeline Behrendt; The Month in ReviewDr. Madeline BehrendtJournal of Vertebral Subluxation Research ~ July...