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Strong Defense Poster

  STRONG DEFENSE Poster The STRONG DEFENSE poster conceptually bridges the connection between the brain and the immune system. Once an individual understands this relationship, it becomes far easier for that person to understand how an “obstruction”...

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Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health - Chiropractic Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research Journal of Philosophy, Principles & Practice of Chiropractic McCoy Press RESEARCH JOURNAL SUBSCRIPTIONS...

Biochemical & Endocrinological Changes Due to Neuropathologic States That Can Lead to Gentoxic Consequences: A Testable Hypothesis for Health Effects Induced by Spinal Pathomechanics

. Desmond B. Johnson, B.Sc., Ph.D, Ronald W. Pero, Ph.D, J.M. Flesia Jr., D.C. Journal of Philosophy, Principles, & Practice of Chiropractic ~ June 15, 2020 ~ Pages 37-52 . Abstract Anatomical, histopathological and neuropathological consequences of spinal cord...
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