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The Flu, Immunity & the Chiropractic Lifestyle

The Flu, Immunity & the Chiropractic Lifestyle

This order includes: The Flu: Sorting Fact from Fiction: Educational Presentation – 151 slides Fully Referenced This includes sections on the elderly, children, pregnancy, drug company finances, indications, contraindications, adverse reactions, the Cochrane...

Immunity & Chiropractic – Social Media Files

Social Media Files on Immunity & Chiropractic Paid Subscribers should be logged in, click on the Subscriber Extras blue box link at the bottom of the page for the download, open it and follow the instructions. In this folder:  Patient letter Link to...

Immunity & Chiropractic Resources

We have compiled and created a number of resources regarding Chiropractic and its role in immunity.  These included a number of free resources as well as those only available to our paid subscribers and supporters.  Due to how quickly we are attempting to respond with...
The Flu, Immunity & the Chiropractic Lifestyle

The Flu, Immunity & the Chiropractic Lifestyle

This order includes: The Flu: Sorting Fact from Fiction: Educational Presentation – 151 slides Fully Referenced This includes sections on the elderly, children, pregnancy, drug company finances, indications, contraindications, adverse reactions, the Cochrane...

Belief Poster

  BELIEF Poster The BELIEF Poster proactively goes after those individuals who either do not understand the value of chiropractic care OR those who do understand chiropractic, but do not have a full understanding of its potential. The BELIEF Poster is 24w X 18h...
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