Recent Releases
Insult, Interference and Infertility: An Overview of Chiropractic Research
Insult, Interference and Infertility: An Overview of Chiropractic ResearchMadeline Behrendt, D.C. Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research ~ May 2, 2003 ~ Page 1 AbstractObjective: Infertility is distinct from sterility, implying potential, and therefore raises...
Improvement of Cervical Lordosis and Reduction of Forward Head Posture with Anterior Head Weighting and Proprioceptive Balancing Protocols
Improvement of Cervical Lordosis and Reduction of Forward Head Posture with Anterior Head Weighting and Proprioceptive Balancing ProtocolsStephen Saunders,D.C.; Dennis Woggon, B.S., D.C.; Christian Cohen, B.S., D.C.; David H. Robinson, Ph.D. Journal of Vertebral...
Letters in response to
Letters in response to J.C. Smith, MA, DC; Edward Brown, D.C., DABCI; Matthew McCoy, D.C. Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research ~ April 18, 2003 ~ Page 1 AbstractJ.C. Smith, MA, DC writes...In response to Dr. Edward Brown’s excellent article, “Chiropractic...
What is Life?
What is Life?Simon A. Senzon, M.A., D.C.Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research ~ June 19, 2003 ~ Pages 1-4 AbstractOne starting point in discussing the many aspects to the philosophy of chiropractic, is to examine one of its central questions, “What is life?” Most...