Recent Releases
Physiological Changes Following Thermomechanical Massage in a Population of Hypertensive Patients and/or Type II Diabetics
Physiological Changes Following Thermomechanical Massage in a Population of Hypertensive Patients and/or Type II DiabeticsChang Sok So, O.M.D., M.D., Ph.D. Roland Giolli, Ph.D., Taeksoo Chang, Hyung-Jin Bae, Yongsoo Chang, W. Ralph Boone, Ph.D. D.C, R.H.I. Blanks,...
Chiropractic for Humanity: Chiropractic Care for the Homeless, Hungry, and Isolated
. Anita Morgenstern, D.C. and Madeline Behrendt, D.C. Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research ~ July 26, 2004 ~ Pages 1-4 . Abstract As chiropractic is focused on correcting a major interference to the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual connection within...
Eighty-One Patients with Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s Disease Undergoing Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care to Correct Vertebral Subluxation: A Retrospective Analysis
Erin L. Elster, D.C. Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research ~ August 2, 2004 ~ Pages 1-9 Abstract Objective: The objective of this article is threefold: to examine the role of head and neck trauma as a contributing factor to the onset of Multiple...
A Contemporary View Of Subluxation That Is Consistent With The Founder’s Views: A Commentary
A Contemporary View Of Subluxation That Is Consistent With The Founder’s Views: A CommentaryDavid R. Seaman, DC, DABCN, DACBNJournal of Vertebral Subluxation Research ~ August 9, 2004 ~ Pages 1-4 AbstractThe vertebral subluxation remains a topic of debate within the...