Recent Releases
Increased Telomere Length & Improvements in Dysautonomia, Quality of Life, Neck & Back Pain Following Correction of Sagittal Cervical Alignment Using Chiropractic BioPhysics® Technique: a Case Study
Curtis Fedorchuk, D.C., Doug Lightstone, D.C., Matthew McCoy, D.C., & DE Harrison, D.C. Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research ~ June 18, 2018 ~ Pages 114-120 Abstract Objective: To present a prospective case study on the increase of telomere...
Improvement in Heart Rate Variability, Dysautonomia & Quality of Life in a Patient with Sjögren’s Syndrome Undergoing Chiropractic Care: A Case Report & Selective Review of the Literature
Victoria Fonke BS, DC, Jonathan Fonke, DC & Joel Alcantara, DC Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research ~ June 14, 2018 ~ Pages 108-113 Abstract Objective: To describe the positive health outcomes experienced by a patient with Sjögren’s Syndrome...
Resolution of Adult Onset Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Following Chiropractic Care for Management of Vertebral Subluxations: A Case Report & Review of the Literature
Anthony Pellegrino, DC & Erin McNulty, DC Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research ~ June 11, 2018 ~ Pages 95-107 Abstract Objective: To report on the positive health outcomes following chiropractic care for the management of vertebral subluxation in...
Heart Rate Variability as an Objective Outcome Measure for Subluxation Based Chiropractic Care for Athletes
Matthew Hartenburg, D.C. Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research ~ May 17, 2018 ~ Pages 89-94 Abstract Background: The chiropractic profession has a long history of providing care for athletes. Despite anecdotal claims regarding improved performance...