Correlation Between Atlas Fossa Temperature Difference and the Blair Upper Cervical Atlas Misalignment
Todd Hubbard M.S., D.C. & Kali Gillen D.C. Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research ~ January 25, 2016 ~ Pages 1-5 Abstract Objective: To determine the correlation between the atlas fossa temperature difference (AFTD) and the atlas misalignment...
Resolution of Symptoms in a Patient Suffering from Meniere’s Disease Following Specific Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care: A Case Study & Review of Literature
Jonathan Chung D.C. & Cory O’Connell, B.S., D.C. Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research ~ January 9, 2017 ~ Pages 1-7 Abstract Objective: To report on and discuss the effects of upper cervical chiropractic care utilized on a 45-year-old male patient...
Relationship between Craniocervical Orientation and Center of Force of Occlusion in Adults
Curtis D. Westersund DDS, Jeffrey Scholten DC, DCCJP, BSc & Raymond J. Turner Ph.D Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research ~ December 15, 2016 ~ Pages 53-59 Abstract Objective: Clinical observation and anecdotal reports suggest changes can occur to...
Resolution of Trigeminal Neuralgia Following Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care Using Quantum Spinal Mechanics 3 (QSM3)
Alexandra Friedman D.C. Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research ~ November 14, 2016 ~ Pages 44-52 Abstract Objective: The purpose of this study is to describe an upper cervical chiropractic mechanism, Quantum Spinal Mechanics 3 (QSM3), and its...