Effective Determination of an Ill Child Using the Yale Observation Scale: A Chiropractic Case Study
Drew Rubin, D.C.
Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research ~ February 8, 2007 ~ Pages 1-4
Objective: To present a case study of an ill child and identify how the Yale Observation Scale helped guide our decision-making process.
Clinical Features: This is a case study of an acutely ill, febrile two-month-old male presenting to a private chiropractic practice. The episode had come on suddenly within the course of the day and seemed to the parent to be rapidly progressing.
Intervention and Outcome: The Yale Observation Scales created by McCarthy were used to determine that although this was a moderately ill child, it was neither a serious illness nor meningitis. The child was adjusted daily for three days and was also evaluated at the hospital. He was diagnosed with salmonella and returned to his normal health in three days time.
Conclusion: The Yale Observation Scale can be of tremendous benefit in the family chiropractor’s day-to-day decision-making processes. Further research involving a chiropractic college or multiple offices using this scale is the anticipated next step and will help determine whether or not a measurement of this type can be useful to the profession at large.
Key Words: Chiropractic, pediatrics, Yale Observation Scale, Vertebral Subluxation, Toggle.