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Six-Minute Acclimated Thermal Scans and Health Perception 

John Hart, D.C., M.H.S. 

Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research ~ July 30, 2007 ~ Pages 1-5



Introduction: Previous studies have compared health perception scores to thermal scans taken with various acclimation times. The present study compares health perception to thermal scans taken with 6 minutes of acclimation, 1 week apart.


Methods: Thirty-four student volunteers received thermographic scans on three separate occasions. The participants also completed the SF-12 health perception survey on each visit. Each thermal scan produces three lines or channels: one each for the left and right sides of the spine and a delta line or difference between the left and right. Six minute acclimated scans were imported into a thermal pattern calculator (TPC) and were used to provide a percent of similarity (TPC percent) between the thermal scans. The TPC percents were then compared to corresponding SF-12 composite scores for possible correlation. Differences were also sought between SF-12 scores corresponding to high TPC percents and SF-12 scores corresponding to low TPC percents.


Results:The right thermal channel showed a small, significant, and inverse correlation with mental health perception (r = -0.357, p = 0.003). There was a significant decrease in mental health perception scores in participants having right channel TPC percents of 72.2% or greater when compared to participants having right channel TPC percents of 71.5% or less. There was a moderate, significant, and inverse correlation between participants having right channel TPC percents of 72.2 or greater and corresponding mental health perception (r = -0.437, p = 0.01).


Conclusion: The right thermal channel showed a relationship with mental health perception. Specifically, participants exhibiting a right channel TPC percent of 72.2 or greater tended to experience a decrease in mental health perception when compared to participants exhibiting a right channel TPC percent of 71.7 or less. Further research is needed to verify these findings.


Key Words: Thermal pattern analysis, chiropractic, vertebral subluxation, SF-12, health perception

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