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Drew Rubin DC, CCSP, DACCP & Kurt Kunz B.S.     


Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health – Chiropractic ~ Volume 2011 ~ Issue 1 ~ Pages 31-34 



Introduction: The Infant Toggle Headpiece was developed in the 1980’s by Dr. Larry Webster as a method to create a gentle adjustive technique for the upper cervical region of infant and toddler-age patients.  Its application for the chiropractor in a pediatric practice is discussed along with the results of an International Chiropractic Pediatric Association survey regarding use of the headpiece.

Method:  Members of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) were surveyed to determine how many of the members use the infant toggle headpiece, what spinal regions they use the headpiece for, and what percent of infants and toddlers receive adjustments utilizing the infant toggle headpiece.  

Results: Over 70% of those chiropractors surveyed who specialize in pediatrics use the Infant Toggle Headpiece on a regular basis.

Conclusion: The infant toggle headpiece, as developed by the late Dr. Larry Webster, appears to be a highly utilized adjusting instrument among  pediatric chiropractors.

Keywords: Chiropractic, pediatrics, infant toggle headpiece

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