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Resolution of Chronic Headaches Following Reduction of Vertebral Subluxation in an 8-Year-Old Utilizing Chiropractic Biophysics Technique


 Paul A Oakley D.C., M.S.C. Bio, Stephanie J Chaney D.C.Bio,Tom A Chaney D.C. Bio, Adam Maddox D.C.Bio  


Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health – Chiropractic ~ Volume 2011 ~ Issue 3 ~ Pages 82-86




Objective: To describe the outcome of Chiropractic Biophysics (CBP) technique along with dietary changes performed on an 8-year old with chronic headaches as well as chronic sore throat, fatigue, dizziness, queasiness, and radiographic diagnosed cervical subluxation.


Clinical Features: An 8-year old male presented with chronic headaches for two years. He also suffered from sore throat, fatigue, queasiness, aches, pains, and dizziness. He had been seen by a neurologist, psychologist and nutritionist with limited health improvements. Radiographs of the cervical spine revealed a cervical spine second harmonic S-shaped neck with upper spine kyphosis and lower spine hyperlordosis.


Interventions and Outcomes: The boy was treated with CBP mirror-image isokinetic exercises, postural adjustments, and cervical spine extension traction. Spinal manipulation, cervical mobilization and hydrotherapy were provided. One month into care, a food diary analysis prompted dietary modifications along with nutritional supplementation. The child was originally seen on a three times per week schedule as per CBP protocol then progressed to a maintenance schedule of two times per month, a total of 86. A lateral cervical radiograph taken 6-months after initiating care revealed that his cervical lordosis was improved to near normal for his age.


Conclusion: This case presents the successful outcome in an 8-year old with a variety of health issues as well as headaches. This case and others suggests CBP cervical extension traction as well as manipulation is a safe and effective intervention for the pediatric headache.


Key Words: CBP, cervical lordosis, cervical hypolordosis, cervical kyphosis, extension traction, headaches, vertebral subluxation, pediatrics 

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