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Correction of Subluxation and Reduction of Dysponesis in a 7 Year-Old Child Suffering From Chronic Cough and Asthma: A Case Report 

Curtis Fedorchuk, D.C. 

Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research ~ November 26, 2007 ~ Pages 1-5



Objective: The chiropractic care of a patient with vertebral subluxations, dysponesis, and severe asthma with chronic cough is described.


Clinical Features: A 6 year-old girl presented with three years of uncontrolled asthma that was trying to be managed with several different pharmaceuticals taken daily.


Intervention & Outcomes: Contact-specific, high velocity, low-amplitude adjustments (Full Spine, and CBP mirror image) were applied to the sites of vertebral subluxations. No other adjuncts to care in the way of modalities were given. The patient experienced instant reduction in cough as reported by the patient’s mother. In 30 days, no medication was being used. Upon subsequent visits to the pediatrician, the patient also demonstrated a marked increase in lung volume.


Conclusion: The chiropractic care of a patient with vertebral subluxations, dysponesis, and severe asthma with chronic cough produced marked resolution of the patient’s symptoms, concomitant with an increase in lung volume and a reduction in the signs of subluxation findings.


Key Words: Subluxation, Peak Flow, Dysponesis, Surface electromyography, Chiropractic, Asthma, Cough

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