This order includes:
One Year Subscription to all FOUR McCoy Press Research Journals
- Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research
- Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research
- Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health – Chiropractic
- Journal of Philosophy, Principles & Practice of Chiropractic
The following books & print journals
- Neurodynamics of Vertebral Subluxation – Homewood
- Mental Health & Chiropractic – Schwartz
- Wellness & the Chiropractic Lifestyle
- Neurodevelopmental Challenges: Health Outcomes in Chiropractic (e-book)
- The Mears Technique – A Biomechanical Study of Occipital-Cervical Displacement & Correction
- Vertebral Subluxation Research Agenda – A Collection of Articles (e-book)
- Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research – Original historical print edition of JVSR
Educational PowerPoint Presentations:
- Maladaptive Responses to Vertebral Subluxation
- Vertebral Subluxation in Chiropractic Practice
- Neurobehavioral Disorders & Chiropractic
- Chronic Lifestyle Diseases and Their Prevention
- Constipation & Chiropractic
- Ear Infections & Chiropractic
- Infertility & Chiropractic
- Raising a Healthy Child in an Unhealthy World
- The Flu – Sorting fact from Fiction
- The Health Care CrisisÂ
- Subluxation Degeneration SlidesÂ
- Cardiovascular Risk & Vertebral Subluxation
And some philosophy to stay grounded –
All Four Volumes of BJ Palmer’s Lost Lectures
- Who is Stealing What & Why
- A Man Who is Lost
- Peace or War
- Its as Simple as That