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Ian Shtulman, DC, Hayley Miller, DC & Joel Alcantara DC

Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health, Chiropractic ~ April 18, 2019 ~ Pages 36-40



Objective: To describe the chiropractic care of a pregnant woman with pubic symphysis dysfunction. 

Clinical Features: A 28-year-old at 20 weeks gestation presented for care with symphysis pubic dysfunction. The patient had no previous experience with chiropractic and had one previous singleton pregnancy without complications. With her prior pregnancy, the patient experienced symphysis pubic dysfunction to a lesser degree.

Intervention and Outcome: The patient was cared for with the Activator Protocol to address subluxations at the coccyx and right inferior pubic bone, with toggle recoil to adjust a C1 subluxation and drop table (Webster Technique) to address a right sacral posteriority. At three months of care, the patient experienced pain with active movement localized at the pubic bone region and bilateral medial thighs following a fall. This was addressed with chiropractic care as described above. The patient attended 35 visits over a period of 8 months. 

Conclusion: This case report provides supporting evidence on the benefits of chiropractic care for the pregnant woman with pelvic bowl dysfunction. We encourage further research in this field.

Key Words: chiropractic, pregnancy, pubic symphysis dysfunction, vertebral subluxation, adjustment, Webster Technique

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