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Danielle DrobbinB.A., D.C. Bio Claire WelshB.S., D.C Bio

Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health – Chiropractic ~ Volume 2009 ~ Issue 2 ~ Pages 1-3


Objective: The chiropractic care of a patient presenting with a malposition/malpresentation pregnancy using Webster In- Utero Constraint technique is described.

Clinical Features: A 41 year old and 36 week pregnant female presented to the office after her perinatologist via ultrasound stated the fetus was in a breech position and recommended a planned c-section. Patient stated she was looking for a natural alternative to a pre-planned cesarean section.

Interventions and Outcomes: Light-force, contact-specific (Webster In-Utero Constraint technique) chiropractic adjustments were performed on the sacrum, along with relief of abdominal ligamentous and muscle tension by use of manual trigger point therapy. After the application of 5 Webster Technique adjustments, the fetal position turned from a longitudinal fetal lie and breech fetal presentation, to a longitudinal fetal lie and vertex fetal presentation.

Conclusion: Chiropractic care of a malposition/malpresentation pregnancy using Webster In-Utero Constraint technique was presented. The relief of musculoskeletal and ligamentous causes of intrauterine constraint was achieved. These findings were noted through the use of pre and post ultrasonography and Leopold’s Maneuver.

Key Words:Chiropractic, pregnancy, Webster Technique, malposition, malrepresentation, intrauterine constraint subluxation

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