Resolution of Breastfeeding and Gastrointestinal Complaints in Infant Twins with Plagiocephaly & Scaphocephaly Following Birth Trauma: A Case Series
Kimberly Collins B Chiro, Joel Alcantara BSc, DC, Kelly Holt BSc (Chiro) PhD
Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health – Chiropractic ~ Volume 2015 ~ Issue 1 ~ Pages 34-41
Objective: This article describes and discusses the chiropractic care of seven month old prematurely delivered fraternal twin boys with plagiocephaly and scaphocephaly.
Clinical Features: Seven month old fraternal twin boys with chronic reflux, breastfeeding difficulties, irritability, excessive crying, plagiocephaly, and scaphocephaly were presented by their mother for chiropractic care.
Intervention and Outcome: The children received spinal and cranial adjustments based on Sacro Occipital and Neuro Emotional Technique protocols. After 8 weeks of chiropractic care the mother reported a decrease in severity of the twins reflux, breastfeeding difficulties and irritability. At 16 weeks of chiropractic care the twins reflux had ceased and their cranial symmetry had markedly improved.
Conclusion: Complaints associated with birth trauma including deformational plagiocephaly, breastfeeding difficulties and general irritability improved in seven month old twin boys while they were receiving chiropractic care. We support further research to examine the role chiropractors may play in caring for infants with plagiocephaly and other complaints associated with birth trauma.
Key Words: Plagiocephaly, scaphocephaly, chiropractic, vertebral subluxation, adjustment, spinal manipulation, twins, premature, reflux, latching difficulties, breastfeeding