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Nageena Akhtar DC, MChiro, PgC, Nupur Laroiya PT, CDNP, CWHC, MIAP, Patrick Bruce Morales PT, CAS, CPRCS  

Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health, Chiropractic ~ July 1, 2024 ~ Volume 2024 ~ Pages 22-25



Objective: This case study reports on the positive health outcomes in a 3 year old female with numerous neurological dysfunctions following chiropractic care.  

Clinical Findings: This 3-year-old female patient was diagnosed with developmental delays and a spectrum of neurological challenges. Patient’s mother experienced gestational diabetes during pregnancy, leading to complications that necessitated a C-section delivery at 39.5 weeks. The child exhibited subluxation, hypotonia, breastfeeding difficulties, delayed motor developmental milestones, delayed speech development, emotional dysregulation, sleep disturbances, lack of eye contact and vomiting and reflux. A decrease in left facial tone and left head tilt observed, walking on toes, left hand and foot dominant, low muscle tone, post-rotational nystagmus.

 Intervention and Outcome:  Management consisted of the application of a multidisciplinary approach, including chiropractic, genetic evaluation, sensory integration and the Melillo Method.  After re-examinations at visit 12 and 24, she showed marked improvements in her speech and sleeping pattern.

 Conclusion: The study delves into the patient’s extensive medical history, behavioral symptoms, and treatment progress, highlighting the potential benefits of this multimodal approach in addressing complex neurological issues.

 Keywords: Chiropractic, adjustment, subluxation, Melillo method, speech delay, Functional Neurology, Retained Primitive Reflexes, Interactive Metronome

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