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Daniel Becker, DC, MEd, Alan Brewster, DC, Jaime Browning DC, D.C.C.J.P., Christine Theodossis DC, D.C.C.J.P., Heath Treharne, DC, MS, Tiffany Orcena, DC, MS

Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research ~ September 6, 2022 ~ Volume 2022 ~ Pages 82-90



Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate whether asymptomatic subjects who present in subluxation pattern demonstrate altered sensorimotor control of the cervical spine as compared to asymptomatic subjects who are not in subluxation pattern.

Materials and Methods: Eleven asymptomatic chiropractic college students were assessed for multiple aspects of subluxation pattern using spinal thermography and prone and supine leg checks. Sensorimotor control was also measured in these subjects using the cervicocephalic kinesthetic sensibility test (CCKST). Subjects were assessed for subluxation pattern three times each by two different examiners, and each of these checks was followed by performance of the CCKST with a different examiner.

Results: The results of this study indicated that when using distance from center as the assessment variable, patients found to be in supine leg check pattern by either of the two examiners demonstrated statistically significant increased repositioning errors during the CCKST (p = .01). For this cohort, variability of the “in-pattern’ group was significantly higher than those found to not be in supine leg length pattern (p = .03). While not statistically significant, those in the “in-pattern” cohort as noted by either examiner also demonstrated increases in head repositioning errors when considering thermal pattern and both thermal and leg check pattern, as compared to those not in pattern. Similar findings were noted using distance between points on the CCKST test, though none reached the level of statistical significance.

Conclusion: Supine leg length pattern may be associated with performance on the CCKST when distance from center is used as the assessment method. The results of this study provide evidence for the possible utilization of the CCKST to help determine the presence of subluxation and as an assessment of neurological function in asymptomatic patients.

Key Words: Cervicokinesthetic Sensibility Test, subluxation pattern, vertebral subluxation, sensorimotor Control, adjustment

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