Pamela Stone-McCoy, DC, DACCP & Sydney McNeill, DC
Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health, Chiropractic ~ July 15, 2019 ~ Pages 82-86
Objective: To discuss the positive health outcomes following chiropractic of a pregnant patient with a transverse lie fetal presentation.
Clinical Features: A 28-year old female patient presented at 39-weeks pregnant with a transverse lie fetus. This was the patient’s third pregnancy with the second ending in Cesarean section.
Intervention & Outcomes: Chiropractic adjustments for vertebral subluxations using Webster and Thompson technique were utilized. Surface EMG and thermography scans were used to monitor dysponesis and dysautonomia secondary to vertebral subluxation. The patient experienced a natural, vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) with no complications. Pre and post ultrasounds confirmed the transition of the fetus from a transverse lie to a vertex position.
Conclusion: The woman in this study experienced a resolution of breech presentation confirmed by ultrasound and had a successful VBAC. More research on the role of chiropractic during pregnancy is recommended.
Keywords: Webster Technique, vertebral subluxation, breech, pregnancy, chiropractic, adjustment, intrauterine constraint