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Curtis Fedorchuk, D.C. & Elizabeth Snow, D.C.

Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research ~ October 12, 2017 ~ Pages 189-200


Objective: To report the changes in thoracic hyperkyphosis, lung volume output, and quality of life recorded in a series of asymptomatic patients following reduction of subluxation utilizing Chiropractic Biophysics (CBP) technique.

Clinical Features: Two males and one female presented to the office for chiropractic consultation with no symptomatic complaints. Evidence of vertebral subluxation and thoracic hyperkyphosis was present in all three cases. In all of the subjects, none of their upper thoracic spines were able to make contact with the table while laying supine.

Interventions and Outcomes: Chiropractic care included CBP mirror imaged exercises, adjustments, and traction. The adjustments incorporated CBP mirror image and diversified high velocity, low amplitude thrusts. Extension exercises and traction of the thoracic spine was utilized.  Posture Ray Radiographic software was used to measure thoracic kyphosis, lung volume capacity was measured using a respirometer, and SF-36 quality of life surveys scored with Health and Wellness Score were used to determine quality of life changes before and after care.

Conclusion: Reduction of the thoracic kyphosis angle was recorded in all patients with an average decrease of over 10 degrees. Increased lung function in both peak expiratory flow (PEF), and forced expiratory volume (FEV) were recorded along with improvements in SF-36 scores documenting improved quality of life. 

Key Words: Vertebral subluxation, chiropractic, Chiropractic Biophysics technique, thoracic hyperkyphosis, mirror image, SF-36, quality of life, forced expiratory volume, lung function

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