Chiropractic Care of a Pregnant Patient Presenting With Pseudotumor of the Cerebrum, Neck Pain, Migraine & Vertebral Subluxation
John Edwards D.C. & Joel Alcantara D.C.
Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health – Chiropractic ~ Volume 2015 ~ Issue 3 ~ Pages 108-111
Objective: To describe the care of a pregnant patient presenting with a history of neck pain, migraine headaches and diplopia.
Clinical Features: A 24 year old Caucasian woman (BMI 40.4) presented for chiropractic consultation and possible care at 26 weeks gestation with her first pregnancy. The patient presented with severe neck pain extending to both shoulders, migraine headaches, and diplopia. During her care, she was diagnosed with a co-morbidity of pseudotumor of the cerebrum.
Intervention and Outcome: The patient was cared for with multiple techniques. She attended a total of 14 visits in 5 weeks, and was scheduled for a Caesarean-section delivery at 37 weeks. Three days after her final visit, the patient’s water broke and she successfully delivered vaginally at 30 weeks gestation.
Conclusion: This case report provides supporting evidence on the effectiveness of chiropractic as described in the care of a pregnant woman with a comorbidity.
Key Words:Subluxation, pseudo-tumor cerebri, pregnancy, chiropractic, adjustment, spinal manipulation, craniotherapy, Webster Technique