The ACC Paradigm – Something We Can All Agree Upon?
Matthew McCoy, D.C.
Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research ~ April 3, 2003 ~ Pages 1-4
In July 1996 the Presidents of all North American chiropractic colleges gathered together in an effort to develop a working paradigm for the chiropractic profession. The results of this meeting and a series of retreats were two position papers–one titled: ACC Chiropractic Paradigm and another on chiropractic scope and practice titled: ACC Scope and Practice. Since that time these statements and the Paradigm as a whole have been widely circulated within and outside the profession.
At the time of this writing nearly all major national and international chiropractic organizations have adopted and/or endorsed the statement including:
- The World Chiropractic Alliance
- The Council on Chiropractic Practice
- The International Chiropractors Association
- The American Chiropractic Association
- The Congress of Chiropractic State Associations
- The National Association of Chiropractic Attorneys
- The World Federation of Chiropractic