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Successful Pregnancy Following Diagnosis of Infertility And Miscarriage: A Chiropractic Case Report

Leslie Bedell, D.C. 

Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research ~ December 2, 2003 ~ Pages 1-7



Objective: This case describes the chiropractic care of a woman with a history of infertility and miscarriage.


Clinical Features: A 27 year old female presented for chiropactic care to improve her overall health, in the hope that she may ultimately be able to have a child. In the previous year she had suffered 2 miscarriages, and had been anovulatory for 9 months. She was under medical treatment for infertility and ulcerative colitis, and followed a restrictive diet. Prior to attempting to become pregnant, she had been on the birth control pill for 7 years.


Chiropractic Care and Outcome: Examination protocols of Torque Release Technique™ (TRT) were utilized to detect vertebral subluxations. Adjustments were applied with the Integrator instrument; the initial visit schedule was twice weekly for 30 days, and then one visit per week for an additional 30 days. Other therapies used included: craniosacral therapy, relaxation exercises, stretching and audio tapes. After 60 days of care, a normal ovulatory cycle occurred, and she became pregnant after her second normal cycle.


Conclusion: This case report of a woman with a history of infertility and miscarriage contributes to the growing body of literature on the response to chiropractic care among infertile women. The article discusses the impact of stress on a woman’s nervous system, and the possible associated changes in reproductive health. Further research is called for to evaluate the safety, cost, and effectiveness of chiropractic care in women’s health.


Key wordschiropractic, Torque Release Technique (TRT), vertebral subluxation, infertility, miscarriage

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