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The Webster Technique in a 28 Year Old Woman with Breech Presentation & Subluxation

John C. Thomas BA, DC 

Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research ~ April 7, 2008 ~ Pages 1-3



Objective: To explore the effectiveness of chiropractic care using the Webster intrauterine constraint technique in the case of a 28-year-old female who presented 34 weeks pregnant with a breech presentation.


Clinical Features: A 28-year-old women with a previous history of carrying a breech presented fetus returned to chiropractic care after a 1-month hiatus in care for headaches and sacroiliac pain. She was advised to resume care by her nurse midwife after a routine visit at 34 weeks. It was discovered that the presentation of her current pregnancy was breech.


Intervention and Outcome: During the patient’s evaluation using the Webster Technique analysis, evidence of intrauterine constraint from sacroiliac subluxation and trigger points of the round ligament were found. Using the protocols of the Webster Technique, chiropractic care was administered to correct the sacroiliac subluxation and the trigger points along the round ligament. Evaluation of the patient on the subsequent visit showed removal of the sacroiliac subluxation, relaxation of the trigger points along the round ligament, and a cephalic presentation of the fetus. The patient’s nurse midwife confirmed the conversion from a breech position to a cephalic position.


Conclusion: It is suggested that the Webster Technique be further studied in its effectiveness in removing intrauterine constraint and ultimately the conversion from a breech presentation to a desired cephalic presentation.


Key Words: Breech, Pregnancy, Chiropractic, Subluxation, Intrauterine Constraint, Webster Technique, External Cephalic Version

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