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Successful Care of a Young Female with ADD/ADHD & Vertebral Subluxation: A Case Study

Leslie Bedell DC 

Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research ~ June 23, 2008 ~ Pages 1-7



Objective: This case is being presented to emphasize the important role that Chiropractors play in the treatment of children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder. This case is being presented to emphasize the important role that Chiropractors play in the treatment of children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder.


Clinical Features: A mother brought her seven year-old daughter in for evaluation. Her primary concerns were the attention and focusing problems she was having in school, hyperactive behavior, sleep disturbances and her aggressive, negative behaviour toward her sister.


Intervention and Outcome: Examination included postural assessment and the protocols of the Torque Release Chiropractic technique were employed to determine the location of vertebral subluxations. The mother and child were instructed on dietary changes and nutritional supplements that would support neurological function. Over the course of her 90-day treatment schedule, improvements were noted on the daughter’s weekly behavioural assessments. The mother noticed an overall change in her attitude as well as specific tasks.


Conclusion: Up to six million children display symptoms and learning disabilities that are labeled as ADD/ADHD and are subsequently put on medications that have not been proven safe and effective, and also have serious side effects. Research shows that many of these children are pre-disposed to addictive and obsessive/compulsive disorders due to a genetic variant and that the medications can launch them into more dangerous behaviours and substance abuse.


Key Words: Chiropractic, Subluxation, Torque Release, adjustment, ADD/ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder/ Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity)

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