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Letters to the Editor – Controversy Over Spine Traction

Steve Troyanovich DC, Paul A. Oakley, MSc, DC, Joseph W. Betz, BS, DC, Jason Haas, Roger R. Coleman, DC, Donald W. Meyer, BS, DC, Mike Fisk, DC, Dwight DeGeorge, MA, DC, Mike Pope, DC, Mark Payne, DC, Meredith Littlefield, DC 

Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research ~ April 14, 2008 ~ Pages 1-17



To the Editor: Thank you again for allowing me to respond to the most recent writings of Betz, Oakley, Haas, et al. In their efforts to incorrectly give Drs. Donald and Deed Harrison credit for originating extension (as in backward bending) traction in chiropractic, they have yet again erred in their reporting…


In Response: We find ourselves once again replying to another Letter to the JVSR Editor by Troyanovich (this is his 3rd Letter to the JVSR Editor)1 concerning our original traction history article2 and the previous Letters to the JVSR Editor by Troyanovich and Coleman and our responses…


To the Editor: Thank you for the opportunity to respond to the recent exchange of letters concerning the history of extension traction in chiropractic. Authors Betz, Oakley, and Haas, have chosen to drag me into their most recent exchange with Drs. Troyanovich and Coleman by making a number of statements and implications which are false and misleading…


In Response: At first we were surprised that Dr. Payne chose to write a Letter to the JVSR Editor concerning our debates with Troyanovich and Coleman, but after reflection, it is apparently common for people to misconstrue their contributions and the historical chronology of events. Thus, again we are happy to reply to Dr. Payne’s Letter to the JVSR Editor and thereby “set the traction history straight”…

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