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Abstracts of Invited Papers Presented at the 2010 International Research and Philosophy Symposium

John Hart DC, Terry VanDervort, D.C., ACP,  Steven Roffers DC, Derek Barton DC, Matthew McCoy DC, MPH, Curtis Fedorchuk, D.C., Pamela Stone-McCoy, D.C.,  Alan Frandsen,  Dewan Raja, MBBS, MPhil, Christie Kwon MS, Robert Sinnott, D.C., LCP, DPhCS, Judy Campanale D.C., Brigette Bowler, D.C., Eric Russell DC DPhCS, Jonathan Leusden, D.C., William Decken DC, Christopher Kent DC, JD, Felicia Stewart, DC, ACP, Joseph B. Strauss, D.C., F.C.S.C,  Julian K. Wetterlin, DC, Anquonette L. Stiles DC, Laura L. Huber DC, Rebecca Crews BSc, DC, David H. Morris MD, Therese A. House DC, Pamela Snider ND 

Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research ~ November 1, 2010 ~ Pages 1-39



A look at the wellness lifestyle in chiropractic: The juxtaposition of an outside-in, versus an inside-out approach. 
Eric G. Russell, DC, LCP, DPhCS, FICA


Measuring the Effects of Specific Cervical Chiropractic Adjustments on Blood Pressure and Pulse Rate: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Derek A. Barton DC-presenter, Steven D. Roffers DC, Anquonette L. Stiles DC, Laura L. Huber DC David H. Morris MD, and Therese A. House DC


Surface EMG and the Reactive Leg Reflex: a Methodology with Case Examples. Evaluating a Neurophysiologic Reflex with Diagnostic Potential. 
Jonathan Leusden, DC


The Correlation between CE Hours and Complaints/Board Action in the United States
Bill Decken, DC, LCP, Megan Luttrell

Dr. Pamela Snider

The Soul of Health Care Professions: Philosophy to Action-Impact on Theory, Practice, Science and Public Policy


Re-Examining the Vertebral Subluxation Definition and its Criteria
J. Strauss, DC, FCSC


A Model for Reframing Chiropractic Care – HIO in the 21st Century
Bridgette Bowler, DC


Analysis of Dens Relative to the Foramen Magnum
John Hart, DC, MHSc


A Randomized Controlled Trial of Health Outcomes Following the Introduction of a Standardized, Stretching Protocol Combined with Chiropractic Intervention: A Pilot Study 
Matthew McCoy DC, MPH, Anquonette Stiles BS, DC, Pamela Stone-McCoy, BS, DC, CACCP, Rebecca Crews BSc, DC


Adjustment and Manipulation
John Hart, DC, MHSc


The Three-Legged Stool
Rob Sinnott, DC, LCP, DPhCS, FPhC


Including Vertebral Subluxation in the Chiropractic Objective – A Logical Argument 
Judy Nutz Campanale, DC, ACP, FCSC


The Importance of Research, Education, Policy, and Service in Protecting the Future of Subluxation-Based Chiropractic
Christie Kwon MS, Matthew McCoy DC, MPH, Christopher Kent DC, JD, Veronica Gutierrez, DC, Curtis Fedorchuk, DC


The WHO, What, When, Where and Why of Chiropractic
Bill Decken, DC, LCP

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