Improvement in Sensory Modulation & Functional Disorders in a Female Pediatric Patient Undergoing Chiropractic Care
Richard Yoshimura, D.C & J. Marcus Lathrop, BS, DC
Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research ~ May 5, 2015~ Pages 108-118
Objective: To describe the chiropractic care of a pediatric patient presenting with Sensory Modulation Disorder and Constipation.
Clinical Features: Patient is a 5 year-old female with history of birth trauma, developmental delays, sensory processing, sleep difficulties and other functional disorders. Objective indicators of vertebral subluxation identified via Activator Technique.
Intervention and Outcomes: Activator Technique was employed to reduce vertebral subluxations in the axial and appendicular skeleton. Following adjustments, the patient demonstrated more frequent bowel movements, less-fragmented more-restful sleep, improved mood and ability to focus.
Conclusions: Following chiropractic adjustments, the patient’s nervous system was able to function at a higher level, resulting in improved bowel function, mood, ability to concentrate and engage with her environment. Additional research is needed to provide firm diagnostic criteria and a foundation for future interventions in cases of Sensory Modulation Disorder.
Key Words: Activator, Chiropractic, Sensory Modulation Disorder, Sensory Perception Disorder, Subluxation, Adjustment, Spinal manipulation