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Samantha Dodd, DipAppSci & Chanelle Rhodes, BSc(Chiro), DICCP


Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health – Chiropractic ~ Volume 2017 ~ Issue 2 ~ Pages 54-56




Introduction: The objective of this case report is to present the case of a 10-year-old male patient who presented to the New Zealand College of Chiropractic with symptoms of hypersensitivity, lateral strabismus and fatigue following the removal of a teratoma germinoma from his pineal gland.

Clinical Features: This patient presented to the Chiropractic Centre with lateral strabismus in his right eye, hypersensitivity and fatigue following surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatment. This resulted in the child undertaking only two full days of school a week due to exhaustion. He had sought chiropractic care prior to his diagnosis for wellness purposes on and off since the age of 5 up until his diagnosis. He began chiropractic care again 3 years after the completion of the cancer treatment.

Intervention and Outcome: The patient’s management consisted of high velocity, low amplitude adjustments over a six month period with the goal of reducing vertebral subluxations. Throughout this period, C1, T7 and sacrum were adjusted frequently as well as the lower cervical area. On each chiropractic visit the patient’s subjective and physical findings were recorded, showing improvement in all symptoms. After his eighth chiropractic visit, a head and neck exam was performed and neurological testing showed a fluid ocular motility test, indicating improvement of the strabismus and tracking. On his thirteenth visit he was attending five full days a week at school, instead of two, and was no longer hypersensitive.

Conclusion: It appears that there may be an association between chiropractic care and the improvement of symptoms of hypersensitivity, strabismus and fatigue in this patient. Further research is warranted in these areas to further investigate this potential relationship.

Key Words: 
chiropractic, vertebral subluxation, adjustment, pediatric, strabismus, hypersensitivity, fatigue

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