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Eric Zielinski, B.A. & Staci Jean Borkhuis, D.C.

Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research ~ September 12, 2013 ~ Pages 51-65




Objective: We present the findings in which a three year girl received relief from common neurological autism manifestations, acid reflux, vomiting, and seizures as a result of subluxation-based chiropractic care.

Clinical Features: Thirty five month old girl presented into office with history of bilateral, intermittent headaches, epilepsy, behavioral and developmental delay, acid reflux, sleep disturbances, and vomiting.

Interventions and Outcomes: Subluxation-based specific chiropractic care was administered to the patient which resulted in complete resolution of bilateral head pain, acid reflux, vomiting, and sleeplessness. Significant improvements in ASD manifestations were also noted including calm behavior, increased eye contact, happier demeanor, improved attitude, increased focus and attention and an initiation to sound out words. She continues to progress as is evidenced by a significantly increased vocabulary, continued improvement in attention and focus, and complete lack of epileptic episodes.

Conclusions: The improved outcomes of a child with ASD undergoing chiropractic management to reduce vertebral subluxation is described. We suggest that chiropractic care should be part of the multidisciplinary management of ASD and that further research in this area be conducted.

Keywords:  Chiropractic, vertebral subluxation, thermography, motion palpation, pediatric, developmental delay, autism, ASD, seizures, GERD, sleeplessness

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