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Joel AlcantaraD.C., Justin OhmD.C., Jeanne OhmD.C. 

Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health – Chiropractic ~ Volume 2009 ~ Issue 1 ~ Pages 1-5.  February 1, 2009



Objective: To report on the successful collaboration of chiropractors and midwives, we describe the care of a woman in labor with problems associated with dystocia.

Clinical Features: The patient is a 26-yr-old nulliparous female attended to during a home birth delivery with 3 midwives and her chiropractor. With lack of cervical dilation, descent and diminished uterine contractions along with decreased fetal heart tones at 23 hours of labor, all involved decided to initiate chiropractic care with the Webster Technique.

Interventions and Outcomes: The result of using Webster Technique was stronger and more frequent contractions with stabilized fetal heart tones. At 28 hours, the fetus was determined to be asynclitic. Synclitism describes the condition of parallelism between the plane of the pelvis and that of the fetal head. The midwives attempted various patient positioning and more homeopathic remedies, performing a surgical rupture of the patient’s membranes with recommendation of further chiropractic care. At 34 hours of labor, the attending chiropractor performed the psoas release and ½ hour later, the patient was at complete cervical dilation. The labor progressed rapidly thereafter and a healthy baby girl was born.

Conclusion: The successful birthing outcome of a patient with dystocia through the cooperative efforts of the patient’s midwives and chiropractor is described. We advocate continued co-operation in similar patients and for further investigation in this field.

Key Words:Chiropractic, pregnancy, dystocia, Webster Technique, subluxation

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