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Matthew H. Sweat D.C., B.C.A.O. & Eric Nemzou D.C.

Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research ~ September 21, 2020 ~ Pages 39-49



Objective: The purpose of this study is to report on the positive health outcomes following chiropractic in a patient suffering from chronic migraines and neck pain.

Clinical Features: A 53-year-old female suffering from migraines for a twelve-year duration, visual disturbances, and neck pain. The migraines would leave her bedridden for days and unable to care for her family and attend to her personal hygiene.  Multiple medications failed to help her. Physical examination and x-rays revealed upper cervical subluxation.

Intervention and Outcomes: The patient was adjusted following the Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic protocol. Precision adjustments were applied to the atlas using the Atlas Orthogonal percussion instrument. Immediately after the first adjustment the patient experienced a more normal cervical range of motion. The patient was managed for a duration of three months and reported a complete recovery from migraines.

Conclusion: Clinical findings suggest that upper cervical vectored chiropractic adjustment was beneficial in this patient with migraines, neck pain and visual disturbances. More research in this area is necessary.

Key Words: Atlas Orthogonal, chiropractic, adjustment, migraines, neck pain, cervical spine, vertebral subluxation, vertebral artery

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