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Charmaine Herman, D.C. & Miracle Pitts, D.C.

Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research ~ May 3, 2018 ~ Pages 19-25


Objective: To evaluate and discuss the effects of upper cervical chiropractic care on a 28-year-old male patient with neck pain and upper extremity paresthesia.

Clinical Features: The patient is a 28-year-old male that presented to the office with neck pain and associated right hand paresthesia. The patient presented to the office 5 months after the initial onset of symptoms.

Intervention & Outcomes: A case history and chiropractic examination was performed and it was determined that the patient had a subluxation of the C1 (atlas) vertebra, as well as the C2 and C5 vertebra on a subsequent visit. The patient received chiropractic care following the Blair Upper Cervical protocol. The care went for nine visits over the course of 1.5 months. At each visit, he was checked for vertebral subluxation via Blair Upper Cervical protocol and was adjusted a total of 7 times. The patient reported resolution of both the neck pain and hand paresthesia at the eighth visit.

Conclusion: This case study demonstrates successful management of a 28-year-old male patient suffering from neck pain and paresthesia, who was managed with specific Blair upper cervical protocol. Further research with regards to how specific Blair upper cervical protocol may benefit patients is suggested.

Key Words: Chiropractic, Blair, cervical, neck, subluxation, upper cervical, tingling, paresthesia, adjustment, neck pain

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