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Jason Belcher, DC & Nathanael Barnes, DC

Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research ~ Volume 2022 ~ December 19, 2022  ~ Pages 13-15



Objective:  The purpose of this case study is to describe the positive health outcomes following an upper cervical chiropractic correction in a patient with Meniere’s disease.

 Clinical Features:  A 59-year-old woman was diagnosed with Meniere’s Disease and upper cervical subluxation. She had left ear hearing loss, extreme debilitating vertigo, tinnitus, brain fog, and pressure in her frontal/forehead area for four months. She was given three different steroid injections to try to help her situation, with no relief. She sought out upper cervical chiropractic care as a last resort. Atlas and axis vertebral subluxations were found on imaging and clinical examination.

 Intervention and Outcome:  An atlas correction was performed on the patient with a soundwave utilizing the Atlas Orthogonal adjusting table.  She held the atlas correction for 72 days. Her vertigo resolved immediately, her tinnitus went from a 10 to a 2 on a scale 0-10 with 10 being the worst, her brain fog and forehead pressure went away, and her hearing was restored. She was able to go for long walks on the beach again without assistance. She was able to drive, exercise and work and her overall health and well-being has greatly improved after being under upper cervical care.    

Conclusion:  A 59-year-old woman whose life was drastically affected by Meniere’s Disease experienced positive health outcomes after seeking Atlas Orthogonal upper cervical chiropractic care. Further research is needed to further explore the effectiveness of the Atlas Orthogonal technique and Meniere’s Disease. 

Key words:  Meniere’s disease, Atlas Orthogonal, upper cervical correction, chiropractic, percussive adjusting, sound wave adjusting, adjustment, vertebral subluxation

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