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Jeremy A Miller D.C., M.S, Ronald Hosek D.C., Ph.D., MPH, Robert Rectenwald D.C., Josh Silver D.C., D.A.C.N.B. & G. Stanford Pierce Sr D.C., B.C.A.O.

Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research ~ October 15, 2018 ~ Pages 33-45



Objective: To determine changes in posturography following a correction of an atlas misalignment utilizing the Advanced Orthogonal (Advo) procedure.

Methods: Nine patients independently seeking care at a chiropractic clinic qualified for the study. The patients underwent additional Computer Dynamic Posturography (CDP) testing, following the modified Clinical Test of Sensory Organization (mCTSIB) protocol. Data collected include stability score (SS), length of sway path (SP), sway ellipse area (EA) and sway velocity (SV). Scan #1 was done prior to adjustment #1. Scan #2 was done 2 days later and scan #3 was done 2 weeks after scan #1

Results: All nine subjects showed improvement between the 1st initial scan and the 3rd final scan in SS, SP, and SV. Eight of the nine subjects showed improvement in EA.

Discussion: Several neurophysiological mechanisms may explain the positive changes. These include distortion of the spinocerebellar tracts, abnormal stress of the suboccipital muscles, and tension of the myodural bridges. The literature shows that having abnormal sensorimotor integration can affect posture control and joint position sense.

Conclusion: Advanced Orthogonal adjustments resulted in measured CDP balance improvement. A larger study, utilizing this method, with an added control group is warranted.

Key Words: Posturography, Advanced Orthogonal, chiropractic, central nervous system, adjustment, upper cervical subluxation, vertebral subluxation, balance, sway, stability, sensorimotor

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