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Rob Sinnott, DC

Journal of Philosophy, Principles & Practice of Chiropractic ~ December 14, 2017 ~ Pages 27-30



Background: Some within the chiropractic profession believe that Innate Intelligence causes the subluxation to occur as an adaptation. It makes little difference what my view is on this issue in reality.  What does make a difference is what you determine after reading the rest of this article and seeing the evidence for yourself.  By frank discussion and putting the philosophic cards on the table, you will then have all the data you need to take a qualified position based upon formal logic alone.  Chiropractic philosophy is built upon the model of formal logic and will, as always, serve as our tool of measurement.

Discussion: A vertebral subluxation is created when an external penetrative force (through a trauma, toxin or auto-suggestion) overcomes the internal resistive forces within the body. The philosophy of Chiropractic has at its foundation several concepts that are key to understanding this issue.  The internal resistive forces created for attempting to deal with the three stresses of “trauma, toxine and autosuggestion”, as DD Palmer enumerated them is certainly an Innate Intelligence residing within the body.  When a stress is encountered, an Innate Intelligence marshals the proper forces, the appropriate forces necessary.

Conclusion: To consider this issue fully and accurately, we must first revisit that compass of Chiropractic philosophy, the thirty-three principles enumerated most famously in R.W. Stephenson’s Chiropractic Text Book.  Although not the first to record these principles he learned from Dr. Palmer, he placed them in his seminal text that has been taught to generations of chiropractors.  For the purposes here, we will limit our expedition to those fitting our question of the role of Innate Intelligence in “causing a vertebral subluxation.”  We seek to know if this is based upon logic, or if therein lays a fallacious argument.

Key Words: Chiropractic, Innate Intelligence, Thirty Three Principles, vertebral subluxation, adjustment, adaptation, adaptability

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