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Ken Humber Jr., D.C. & Eryn K. Eberlein, D.C.

Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research ~ December 7, 2017 ~ Pages 49-57



To report on a case of subluxation-based upper cervical chiropractic care and the use of biofield medicine along with traditional allopathic treatment in a patient with metastatic melanoma.

Clinical Features: 
A 34-year-old female patient diagnosed with stage IV metastatic melanoma presented with extreme fatigue, pain upon standing and walking, persistent coughing with sputum production, parosmia, visual disturbances and cognitive impairment.  The patient had received whole brain radiation treatment for metastasis to the brain and was awaiting a recently approved combination of genetic inhibitors, Tafinlar and Mekinist, to treat the metastasis to the lungs, liver, pelvis and femur, as well as soft tissue structures of the trunk and lower extremity.

Interventions and Outcomes: The patient was analyzed for upper cervical vertebral subluxations utilizing Orthospinology protocol that consisted of leg length analysis, static palpation, postural analysis and cervical radiographs.  Following the specific upper cervical adjustment, the patient reported a noticeable reduction in symptomatology before beginning the combination of genetic inhibitors prescribed by her oncologist.  In addition to chiropractic, the patient received regular Reiki treatments by a certified Reiki Master throughout her entire treatment period.

Conclusions: This case and a review of literature regarding integrative medicine demonstrates the possibility that combining traditional medicine with integrative care including upper cervical chiropractic and Reiki may work in a synergistic manner to improve not only the quality of life of the patient, but the overall survival rate of cancer patients.  Further research into the subject of integrative oncology and the effect of both chiropractic and Reiki on cancer patients is warranted for all types of cancer.

Key Words: Metastatic melanoma, chiropractic, oncology, adjustment, subluxation, Reiki, biofield medicine, integrative oncology, cancer

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