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Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research ~ July 3, 2017 ~ Pages 31-39


Objective: The objective of this report is to describe the outcomes in a patient with a primary central nervous system tumor undergoing chiropractic care for upper cervical vertebral subluxation.

Clinical Features: Patient presented with neck pain, low back pain, headaches, dizziness, and radiculopathy secondary to benign primary central nervous system tumor located in the cervical spine. Examination revealed anosmia, palate drag, upper extremity motor loss, and dysmetria.

Intervention and Outcomes: Bilateral skin temperature was analyzed to establish pattern on the patient. Radiographs were taken to find the pertinent vectors with which to adjust the atlas. The patient received five Toggle adjustments over a five month and eighteen day period of care. The patient’s objective assessment scores all diminished to zero. The patient was able to smell at the re-physical and there was an absence of palate drag and dysmetria. Radicular symptoms were reduced.

Conclusions: This paper presents the outcomes related to adjustment of upper cervical vertebral subluxation in a patient through the use of Toggle upper cervical protocol. The patient’s perceived pain decreased as well as objective analysis of the symptoms secondary to the congenital tumor. More research on chiropractic and neoplasm is encouraged.

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