Todd Hubbard M.S., D.C. & Kali Gillen D.C.
Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research ~ January 25, 2016 ~ Pages 1-5
Objective: To determine the correlation between the atlas fossa temperature difference (AFTD) and the atlas misalignment determined by the Blair upper cervical radiographic analysis.
Methods: Patients at the Palmer Academic Health Center (AHC), who were scheduled to have Blair Upper Cervical radiographs taken, were asked to participate in this study by having had their atlas fossa temperature difference taken using the TyTron® C3000. The atlas fossa temperature difference was then compared to the Blair radiographic atlas listing.
Results: Nineteen subject’s data were collected for the correlation between the AFTD and misalignment seen on the radiograph. The Phi coefficient for the AFTD compared to the atlas laterality showed a poor correlation of 0.267 (95% CI: -0. 272 to 0.686), with a chi square=1.351; df=1 and p=0.245. The Phi coefficient for the AFTD compared to the side of misalignment seen on the radiograph also showed a poor correlation of 0.156 (95% CI: -0.366 to 0.616) with a chi square=0.460; df=1 and p=0.498.
Conclusion: This study found a poor correlation between the AFTD and the laterality of the atlas misalignment seen on the Blair radiograph.
Key Words: Vertebral subluxation, atlas fossa temperature, Blair Upper Cervical, adjustment, thermography, chiropractic