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Allison Manis DC & Melissa Rubinstein DC

Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research ~ November 21, 2014 ~ Pages 68-71


Objective: The reduction of an upper cervical subluxation through chiropractic care in the case of a child with ADHD and involuntary motor tics is described.

Clinical Features: A 10-year-old boy presents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder along with involuntary motor tics. Patient is a twin born vaginally with the assistance of vacuum extraction. History revealed prior diagnoses of macrocephaly and underdevelopment of C2 at 4 months of age. The child was administered slow release stimulant medication for management of ADHD symptoms by a medical doctor since 8 years of age.

Intervention and Outcomes: High velocity, low force adjustments (Toggle technique) were applied to the first cervical vertebra over 10 months of care along with passive cervical mechanical traction following each adjustment.  After the first adjustment, patient showed improvements in behavior and focus. Patient was able to cease use of medication after 2 months. Reduction in ADHD symptoms along with complete resolution of motor tics were also noted over the duration of care. Cervical curve as seen on x-ray improved 10 months from the start of care.

Conclusion: This case report demonstrates a reduction in signs and symptoms associated with ADHD and involuntary motor tics in a child following upper cervical chiropractic treatment.

Key Words: Chiropractic, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD, subluxation, birth trauma, chiropractic adjustment, Upper cervical, Toggle Technique

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