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William Soriano, DC & Annie Apatiga, DC

Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research ~ October 21, 2014 ~ Pages 61-67



Objective: The correction of an upper cervical vertebral subluxation through Knee Chest upper cervical specific care in a patent suffering from fibromyalgia is described.

Clinical Features: A 31-year-old female presents with low back pain, headaches and fibromyalgia. Patient sought chiropractic care as an alternative means to pharmacological management of her pain.

Intervention and Outcome: X-rays were taken as well as a skin temperature differential analysis establishing the patient’s pattern. Patient received five knee chest upper cervical specific adjustments in the span of 18 months. The patient reported a decrease in symptomatology related to fibromyalgia after two months of care. Vertebral subluxation was reduced and cervical curvature was improved. The patient recently reports she is no longer taking any medications.

Conclusion: The correction of an upper cervical vertebral subluxation through knee chest upper cervical specific care is presented. Acknowledged decrease in patient’s perceived pain with decreased signs of vertebral subluxation findings in the upper cervical area is noted. This report discusses the possible pathophysiological connection behind an upper cervical subluxation and fibromyalgia.

Key Words: Subluxation, upper cervical spine, fibromyalgia, chiropractic, adjustment, Knee Chest Technique

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