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Justin Brown DC Bio, Jonathan Chung DC Bio, Kyle O’Connell DC Bio

Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research ~ June 14, 2013 ~ Pages 43-48


Objective: To evaluate and discuss the effects of upper cervical chiropractic care on a 17-year-old female patient with a loss of balance, speech difficulties and postural distortion following the removal of an astrocytoma from her cerebellum.

Clinical Features: The patient is a 17-year-old female that was diagnosed with a cerebellar astrocytoma that was previously removed. The patient presented to the office with significant postural abnormalities,  difficulty with balance and difficulty with speech that began post surgery. The patient presented to the office 4 years after the surgery.

Intervention & Outcomes: A case history and chiropractic examination was performed and it was determined that the patient had a subluxation of the C1 (atlas) vertebra. The patient received chiropractic care following the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA) protocol. The duration of care was five months and the patient was seen 28 times. At each visit she was checked for vertebral subluxation and was adjusted a total of 26 times. The patient reported an improvement in her balance from a 6/10 to a 9/10 and experienced a 90% improvement in her speech.

Conclusion: The findings presented in this case suggest that upper cervical adjustments may benefit patients who suffer from post surgical complications.

Key Words: chiropractic, NUCCA, balance, proprioception, ataxia, cerebellum, subluxation, astrocytoma, cancer

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